Walking is the best medicine! It’s not only convenient; it’s also comfortable to do for most people. In this article, I’m presenting a short and simple interval walking protocol...
We often hear that “Health is wealth” without really reflecting on what this means. While money comes and goes, health is something that’s valuable and a lifelong investment. This...
You keep repeating the same things over and over again without seeing any results; nothing seems to be changing in regards to your Deen, personal life and health. So, what should you do?
Chiselled abs and a flat belly aren’t just achieved with complicated workouts at the gym; you can also get a strong core with simple exercises. This article shows you how you can strengthen...
Nutrition is made to look like it’s very complicated by food industries. That’s because this helps them sell their products to their consumers. But eating the right food isn’t...
Working out has great physical benefits. It helps with weight loss, burning calories, and getting fit. But working out also has some amazing mental health benefits. This article will help you...
Hot chocolate over a book. The landscape covered with snow. These moments remind us of why winter is beautiful. But… gloomy skies and the cold weather can knock out even the most...
Vitamin D is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world; more than a billion people are deficient. Current research suggests that vitamin D deficiency causes everything from cancer...
With a global market share of close to $600 billion, the weight loss industry is perhaps one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Unsurprisingly, this industry is crowded;...
We all seek peace and serenity in our lives. Without peace, our lives are broken and miserable. For a meaningful and rich life, pursuing peace is crucial. In my pursuit of peace, I’ve...
Turning to the Quran as a way to improve our health is crucial. This is because while the Quran is the most important guide for our Ultimate Success, it’s also an incredible cure for most of...
We’re often amazed by the incredible amount of work successful people get done. One of the secrets behind their success lies in their morning routines. This article lists the 7 most...